Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XV.. 2.39 opened unto us the whole rnyfterie of his counfel, g by his Tonne. Yet as at the giving.of the Law, sv hen the Lordcame frommourn Sinai, and rote up from Stir unto his people ; he carne with h ten thoufànds of the Sainds : fo in the time of the Gofpell, when his fete flood on the mount of Oliues, the Lord our God came, and all the Sainds withhim, to doehimworfh p k &minder tinto hire; to guard 1 his throne and church ; and to be tent forth in minufterie in for their fakes, which tl-Iall be heyresoffalvation. 6. Sometimes the Angels appeared in vifìble formes of n men , and for a while fo converted withmen, eatingand drinking , and talking familiarly ofthe hatters whereabout they were lent ; as in the hifiorie ofAbraham and Lot is to be feene. Sometimes they appeared in more glorious !napes , like o winged creatures, and fo would treate with men about their of ayrès vocally: but their cc- ltIiiali majefEe , then much daunted the fortes of Adam. Sometimes they appea- red, r but fpakc nor ; and againe fo-me- time they ipake , 9 when no mention is made iZech. r4,4 S k gat r,13. 1 Rev.5,; r, aHcb, r, 1 4 n Ge3i. r F, 2 .: 6-c. and x9, I,c'?'c. Ifcb. i;,z.