r Gen. I 8, Io I7,20, fIwdg.13. Luke 1,30. 31. chap. 2,i8. y Alark. i6, Z Ad.I,IO, II. cornmincr at the la{l day. L Luke. I,Ij. 40 C HA P. XV. made of their appearing. 7. The caufes alto and effets oftheir appearing , were many and weightie : For by them Abraham was tóld of the r birth of Ifaak; and the def}ru- ¿ion of Sodorn ; Manoah and his wife , of f the birthofSan-don ; Ze- charie , of the t birth of Iohn Baptiff; Mary , y of the conception , and the tepheards, xof the birth of our Lord Chrifl ; the women Y of his refurre- dion ; and the Apoftles, 7. ofhis fecond aZec. 2,3)4 U Dan.T,jo, 16.&c.& 8 13, 15, II, &c. and g, 2I,&c. and c Rev. I, I. ec. unto ch. 22,6,16.. d Gen. ag. e Dau.3,z8. f chap, 6, z2. Aft. 1z,?, drc. By them Zecharie was certified of the ref'rauration. of Ierufrlenn ; Daniel b was informed of the flare of the Church from his time to Chrift ; and John , of the c cflate thereof , from his dayes , to the worlds ende. By them , Lot d was delivered from the burning of Sodom ; Shadrach , Me- thach , and Abednego , e from the fy- rIe fornace ; Daniel , f from the Ly- ons motithes ; and Peter , g out of Herods prifon. By them , Abrahams fervent, was hguided