Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XV. 241 h guided in his journey ; Philip , was 1i Gen. z4,7 direted to goe i and preach to theEu- 40. Duch ; Paul k to the Macedonians ; Iaa- i At/. 8,26, kob, was encouraged min his going to- k9ha,159 ward, and returning fromMefopota- in, mia ; Eliah , was m refrefhed with 1 Gen.28, I2 foode in his flight from Iezebel ; Io- & 32, I, 2, feph n was counselled to flee with t I' Kin24' . Chrift , from Herods perfecution ; and 19 , Paul o was comforted againft perill of n Nat. z, I;, íhipwrack. oAcl.27,23 Their minifterie was ufecx at p the P Gal. 3,19 giving of the Eyrie law on mount Si- ÁE7,5;. nai ; their melodie was heard at the q Luk.z,13, q birthof the Lamb , that reighneth on 14' mount Sion; and they (till fing loud r his Ì Re`s' S, I1, pralles about Gods throne;and they friall be the harveft men to f reape the earth & f 1Tat.13,;9 to fever the bad from among the juft, at 40. &24,3t the end of this world. 8. They are Gods powerfull inftru- ments as for fiDiting t the wicked with c Pra.78,49 fore difeafes; fo forthehelp and healing a".' 212; ofour fmckneffes, when it pleafethGod fo to imploy them : as by that famousmiracle , often wrought in the pooleat Iertfalem , whcfe waters were , at