- toh.p,2,4, c. x Pfa.r,r, II. yASat.zB,ro zExo,26,r. nMt31.4,r4.. b 242. CHAP. XV. at certaine times troubled by anAnvel; after which flirting ,who fo fire} flepped in, was made whole of whatfoever dif- eafe he had. Inmemory ofwhich hea- venly grace, the place was caled V Beth- efda, that is the houfe ofbountifulnesor mercy. y. And although now a dayes they appeare not vifibly, nor afford us filch outward help : yet are thefe heauenly meffengers , mill fecretly irployed for the fafeguardand benefit of theSainecs. For who fo dwelleth in the fecretof the Moil high,and lodgeth in the shadow of theAlmighty ;over him(as the X Pfalmifl fayth,) Godgiveth his Angels charge ro keepe him in all his wayes:yea euen unto Y littlechildren doth therecare extend, and as the embroydred x Cherubitns en- vironed the Tabernacle , fo doe thole heauenly foldiers conipaílé and guard Gods true tabernacle the Church. And whereas weare in danger two manner wife, i by our owne infirmitie , 2 and our enemies might and fubtiltie : thefe a watchmen and b of our falva- tiaR, do fuccour us in both. For as the mother