Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. X'V. 213 mother , carieth in herarmes the child which cannot well go;fo thefe do c bear cpfa,9T,12 us up in their hands , that we hurtenot our foot againfl a (lone; &when weare befieged by our foes,thefe d pitch round d pí444,7. about us, and deliver us; being as a bul- warkbetwixt the fiends, euen all our e- nemies, and us. So that if God gane us to fee with the eye , as we are taught to beleeue by faith ; we might behold with Elifhaes fervant e the mduntaines to be e 2 Kind. 6 . full ofhorfes and charets offyre round 17' about us : and would fay with Iaakcrb, fThzs is gods hog. Neither do they onely ?Gen- face us from peril; but as heauenly war- riours that excel in ftren`th, they g fight g Dan. xo, 20 again( our enemies, pulingand h feat h PJ !.35, z, tering them, as chaff before the winde;'s''6. like as at Hezekiahs prayer , an Anger came and killed 185 thoufand cf leis foes. And as they attend upon us in our life, fo do they alto at our death ; being fent to fetch our flitting foules, and cary them into k Abrahams bofome , in the k Paradife ofGod. r o. Thefe things as thole blef ed fpi- 1,pb z,6. tits the 1 formes of God , do at theco rn- 38, a z mandement