Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

244 CHAP. XV. mandement of their heauenly father m Pfeil' CI) m readily and cheerfully,. for his cleft: fo 2o.naat.6, Io al Co are they beholders ofour wayes and converfation, and affeaed (after their fpirituall manner ) with the things they fee inus. For they are,euen the n thoufand IZ. n ev's'I t' thoutads of them,as about Gods throne, foabout the four living creatures and the 24 Elders, together with there magni- fying Chriff the killedLatnb,&proflrate o 6)4).7 ,T on their faces doworfnip God, O &glue 12. glory unto him for evermore. Into the celeflial myfteries reveled by theGofpel, theyhaue a p delire to looke; becaufe pzretr,z2. God hath by his church q ruade known Eph.3,zo. his manifoldwifedorne unto them. Lo- ving alío they arc, glad and defirous of our good ; as appeareth by their glorify- ing of the Lamb that was killed for us, not for theta; and by the joy which they haue , when any one of us converteth r Luke xs, 7 fromour finnes; as Chriftr bath fhewed. xo. Witneires they are with theLord, of the charges and contetlations layd upon us, for theobÇervin, of our duties; as by k r7int. ',tz ftheApof.les words to Timothee,we be taught. wherefore we ought holily righteoufly. ,