Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. X V. 245 righteoufly , and foberly to cary our felues, in al our anions; feingwearea fpe&acle to thofe heauenlytFlàmes;&are vcome to the great airemblie of innume= rableof them: yea the Apoflle feemeth to require of x women modefl and fub- miflîueattire, inKefpe& of them. II. All this notwithfläding, we mull take heede , bothof fuperftition, &cu- riofity about them;for we are forbidden of God they religionor worship ofAn- gels: which when Io hn for the revelati- ons (hewed him would haue done, the Angel refufed, & fayd, z See thoti do it not. If therefore we haue need of fuccour let us pray unto a our Father, & he can fend us legions of them ; audit' we would giue thanks for their help,and offer a fa-- crifice, themfelties b haue taught us to offer it to the Lord,whofe fervants they are, euen c fellow-ferväts with us,though much more excellenr,able, & obedient. He it is,that f,ndeth them forth, for our fakes , which are heyres of falvatión , lied alfo will change this our corru- ptible elute , and cloth us with im- tnortalitie, and makeus d equal to thofe Q 3 hohe t Pf. I04,4. vHeb.I2,22 % I Core II, IO. y CoIDf z. I 8 z Rev. zz, 8 9 aMat.z6,53 b /ad, 13,I5 e Rev. z2,9 d L1tk.2o,j6