Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

246 C H A P. XV. tech holie Angels , andgiue us as a place ea- mong them: whofe Communion at that day we flail fully enjoy, together with them fervingour God , and lauding his Majeffie, in his owne bleared pretence for evar. The An ell oftheLord pitcheth round about them that fearehim, & delivereth them. Pfal;4,7 CHAP TER XVI. How the Sginds onearth are called to a ho- ly commanionJ among themfélues. GOD who hath chofen and called us in Chriizfrom this world, and fellowfhip of all wickedones therein, to be his, and to feruehiin:=hath further required at our hands,that we which are called, should not licealone,or afunder by our felues, but joyne together,and fo entertaineand nourisha loving andholy Communion one with another, in the tmnii:ie of the fayth e ípirit, by the bond of