Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XVI. 2.47 of peace. For man is made a fociable creature: and when he was in his perfe- &ion,God faw& fayd,it was a not good a for him to be alone,and thereforemade him a helpmeete for hinr:but after,when we were corrupted , there was much more neede of fellowip one with an other for our mutuall help and comfort. And many are the benefits which we reap hereby;euen as on thecontrarie,the evils, dangers, and dìfcomforts , which arife for want hereof , are 111oe then can be told. 2.\Vhen Godhad brought his people out ofEgypt, to lead them into Canaan' whiles thither theywere traveyling,euen in the wildernes caufed he a rent, to be made, for himfelf b to dwel among tths, and in rnids of their tents;which when it was perfected, he Cooke potTeílîonof , C filled and findified it with his glorie ; c©manded alfo the people; dthither for to bring their fervices'& other facrifices;, promifed there e to meetewith Lhern, to fpeak there unto them ; whereupon that placewas called thJent(orTaber-nacle) of meeting or con regction. And where- Gen,z,is. brxod.z5,8 cExo.40,34 dLcw.r,;. Ci^' 4 , 4 e'.9.'" eEx1.29,4' 4* f'e'