Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

248 CHAP..X `ST I. as this San6}uarie, was flitting and moue- gdio. 4,4 able, not onely in the g wildernes , but &c. , 7` alto in h the land of Canaan : therefore b for s,ro, God gaue Ifrael a charge by Mofes, that 6, i8, I. they fhould feeke i the place which he 1 chrof.JS,r. fhould choofe out ofall their tribes, to Dent. r z, s 6, but hisName there, and there todwell; that thither they fhould come, to facri- kverie,2,r3 fice,and rejoyce before the Lord; them- r4, felues; k their children, & their fervants; 1 Deu. r 6, 24 there to keepe I their folemne feafts,and 1x,15316, take heede they offred not in any other place.l~or he had told thern,whofoever, Ifraelite or flranger fojourning among them , that retorted not to this Taber- nacle with his oblations, but fäcrificed other where , either within or without m Lev. 17,3 the hoft,that roan i"hould be reputedm as 4,7,8x9. ifhe had flied blood , or offred untó di- vils ; andwas tobe cut off from among his people. This tent, (togither with the n zebro.2,4 Temp l e, which for like =_ P holy uCe, fie- ceeded the fame, was a figure of the churchor congregation of Chriftians,a- oRev. zr.3.. tnongfi whom God-bathplaced his U ta- C c.'7. =7 bernacle , to dwell as their God with ;' them, and they to be his le,euenhis ,p eo p P houfe