CHAP. XVI 149 p houfe and habitation ; & fhould there- pHeb. ;. 6. fore ggather themfelues together inhis gMat. i8.20 name,to keepe their fpirituall r feafls , icor. 5 , not withdrawing frorn,nor leaving fthe IS mutual' allembling or fellowship that fHeb. io.25 they haue among themfelucs ; for who fo repayrcth not to the Church the true Ierufalem,ofall the families of the earth, there to t keepe the feaft ofTabernacles, tZceb.i4. and worfhip the king theLordof hods; i6. 17. no rayne(ofGods grace or blefhhng)ihal come upon them. 3. This gathering together of the Sainas, is not a bare affembly or con- courfe onely, of people; but a neere uni- tingand knitting ofthemfelues , in one holycommunion, and fellowfhip. For as the for:fayd Tent was made ofmany courtaines , but all of them fo coupled one to another , with loops and taches , that they were but y one Tabernacle ; & vEx ;6' x I KIn. 5, 7 as the x many coilly hewed liones,wher- & 6. 7. aM with Solomon built the Temple , when 13. they were layd together , made one HoulewhereinGod had his habitation fo the fervants of Chrift though they be Eßh. Z 21, .many, yet are fo builty and coupled to- 22. yether