Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

250 CHAP. XVI. gether by faith , that they growunto an holy temple in the Lord, to be the habi- tationofGod by the fpirit; and are buil- zPf . zzz,3 ded as a citie z that is ceipaec together in it felfWhich neer conjundiòn is further let forth,by fimilitudeofa bodie,where- in there be many members of feverall chape & ufe,yet by the wifedomc ofGod fo united and fet together, that there ap- peareth a goodly frame and proportion of the man ; and every lim fo fanned ro other, and all the partes fo ferviceable needefull and comfortableech to other, that they cannot without paine,loWe and deformity bepulled afunder: euen fo the Sainfs ofGod, areas the Apoftle fayth) :r{oss. I z, S a one body in Chria, and euery one, one b j cor. 12, anothers members; beingby one b fpirit r3 . all baptifed into one body ; which is cal- e Eph. 1,22, led Chrias c Church or Congregation, be- z3. caufe we are gathered& joyned together Eph.4,15, unto himour head , d by whome all the s. body being coupled &knit together by every joynt , for the furniture thereof (according to the of eduall power) which is in the mefùre ofevery part, jre- ceiveth increafe ofthe body unto the edi- fying