C HAP. -XVI. ?S$ Eying of it felfe in loue, 11 4. The ftrength and virtueof this u- )4nion of the Sainc`l=s, procedeth from the °itunitie of-their Faith & fpirit. For faith the e duore, by which we haue entry tand accef?è both unto t God , and g into er'his churchor aifemby, which thereupon called the h cult tOde o f theLeithfisll, or a P'beleevers;etien the t ho4hoid offizith. And as olby it we enter into this ibcietie, fo being 10entred, we there build up kour felues in blour moil holy faith ; by it we I liue, by it gee, we m ftand,by it we al are the n Tonnes cf °r God,the feedofAbraham;&confequent- tlb ly heyrs by promife, of the bleffed inhe_ th ritance, and fo doe enter into o his refl. Al Which faithbecaufe it is tone,as theLord ice is one , and is by his holy fpirit commu- .z nicated with all the Sainfts ; it is there- b,, fore called the p commmne _Pith , from whick, the çemmttnioi go ffmeth, that is of all Chrifian duties do flow ; andcfpeci- b ally is feene in our ; converfiug together, ti f fdrthebetter performance of them. For as Chrift prayed, that they which fhould beleeue in him, might r all be one, as the and Hewere one, in, ó withan other e AcT.i4,27 fRom.5,z. Atl.z, 44- h A.4 , 32- i GaÌ. 6, i o. k Dade v. za 1Heb. io,3 3. m Rom. YY, 20. n Ga1.3 ,'-6v 7,29. o Heb. 43. t EpheJ:4,5u pT'zt.I,d¢. c1 d'h;Ie.ut° 6. r Ioh.i7,zo,