í.Aíis4,32. and z. t Ads z,42, 44,45,46. Y 1cr.32,39 xEr.,,e,3K,zz yPp114,3 z Ph4l. c, 27 I I +f CHAP. XVI. other ; fo the effe9 of that his prayer ap- peareth in the unionand communion of the firfl believers whichwere ofone hart and of one ffoule , and continued dayly with one accord 't their meetings.andfl- lowfh ps for duties both fpirituall & hu- mane. Of which happy day theLord did foretell by his prophets fay ng, v7 willgiue them one hart & one Way that they may fiaremefor ever, fdr the wealth ofthe andoftheir children after them; and x .lwill make them one people, in the land, upon the mountains of Ifrael ; and one king jihad be kinrr to them all; & they(hall be no more two v people's, nor divided any more henceforth into two kingdoms. This fellow hip ought all nen to labour that they may comeun- to; and being corne,there to abide; y en- devouring to keeps the unity of the fpi- rit in the bondofpeace , and z to conti.- :ew inone ípirit and in one minde,fight- ng together through the faith of the Gofpel. 5. The caufes why God requireth this gathering and knitting together of our felucs, are thefe. Firfl for the better fern ce of his Maj offie, which he mofi cieemeth