Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

.}J CHAP. XVI. 2S3 elleemeth when it is done of us with joynt confept & agreement,that we with one minde a andone month, prayfe God e.-,a Rom./5,a uen the Father ofoui Lord Iefus Chrifl, and(as the prophet fayth)feruehimbwith b onefhouldcr. And for this caufe , at the fra conflitution oftheChurchof Ifrad, he commaunded that at their folemne feafls they íhould , all the males, c three c Exo. 23,14 ,times in the yereappearebefore theLord ii. Iehovah, (befides their ufual meetings on the Sabbaths,) which feafts were-Cal- led holy d afJ'emblies or convocations, and d Lev. z3, r,' `had fpecial e daycs for calling and aílèm- q.. bling the people , wherein Gods word e Num,zsA f was read and expounded unto them ; rs, z, z6. his name magnified , with g longs and 3f; I'7: prayfes; the people anfweringh Amen , f Neb.8, z,z bowing downe and woríhiping ; facrifi- a'zCbro. ces were off'red i for the whole congre- 6. , ;o,2t . gation; feafls were celebrated w ith relief h Neb_8,6. ,, ofk the poorer and the people received i 2Gino. 35, a t bleflìng, in the name of khe Lord. s;z2, z3. Which open and folemne fervice, as it AIN eatei5'i mwho there 12 Cho.;o, was pleating to the Lord , 3 required the fervice, offrings, and all the 27- holy things ofall his people: fo thenee,-`m nra. Si,j9 leL` exec. zo,4o.