Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

1111011011. I: s 1144 C HAP. XVI. ka&omifiion hereof, was aforfakinQ zChron.29 ofhim and n a procuring of his wrath '7,8. Wherefore the godly magistrates, were carefull to eflablilh and mainteyn that cña,.3z,z, publickworfhip,appoyntitag o the Priefls and Levites for the burnt offrings arxd peace ofírings to rinifler and to glue thanks., and to prayfe in thegates of the tents of the Lord; and the faithful' ufed to frequent that place and thole foletn pPfa.zz,2z nities, that they might prayfe God in 6'244'6' the ir. dds of thecongreoation, among much people,and there declarewith the 426,7,8 voice q of thankf iving, and let forth all rPff. Ii6, his wonderous works; and pay r their 13,19. vowes unto him, in the preíínce ofall the folk, within the courts ofhis houle, fPf.. i;z,z; which he had fchofen for his reft for e- 14. ver, loved there to dwell , and delighted tDeu.33,19 the=rein. They ufed alto to t call the peo- ple unto the mountain, there to offer the facrifices of righteoufnes; to flir up, and Pfd.68,z6 exhort one another,to bleífevGod in the xPf1o7,3i Aifemblies , and xexalthimin the con- 32. gregationof the people. The like pub- lick worfhip,the Lamb folemnizeth un- to his Father, whiles he ftandeth upon Mount