Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

C HAP. XVII. 2. 5 Mount Sion , with his 144 thoufand, y where the voyceof the heauenly con- y Re` .14,1 gregation is heard , like the foundof 23. many waters, andofa great thunder, & like harpers harpingwith their harps, finging a new fong before the throne. And there Chri{ls prafe z is of God , in zPfa. zz,2 thegreat alfemblie, his vowel heperfor- meth before them that feare him, he de- clareth a Gods juflice and mercy , his a Pj.41,9,Io trueth and his falvation. Whofeprayfe therefore is heard in theb Congregation b pf. 149,1, ofSainas, Ifrael joying in his maker,& 2' the Tonnes of Sion rejoycing in their king; Paying c Halelu-jah, falvationand` Rev.i9,is glory and honourandpower, unto the Lord ourGod, dHalelu-jah for the Lord d'verje 6. God almighty reigneth. 6. An other caufe of the joyning to- gether of the Sainds;is their edification, in theknowledge and fear of God. For although they haue his wordprivately to meditate therein day and night , which alto he blelleth unto them ; yet in his church or alfemblie hemore plentifully powrethout his bleflings , as he promi- ied by Mofes,e7neveryplace where Ipall a Exo.zo,z4 put