04 CHAP. X I X. Co1.4,r. vernment c offervants , and orderingof pro.31,15. the familie; joynt d labour anddeligence d ITim.5,8. for their liuelihood; & all other offices, 37_49,61. whereby their mutuall loue, help, and comfort may be rnainteyned, in this ho- e z tim.4,r, norablefate of life, which to forbid any s' Chriftian, is a docarine e ofDivils ; and fEphe5,z3, which is a fhadow fof that myf}icall and 25 heavenly communion betweenChrif} & his church , whiles the man loveth and rer.z8,29. cheriíhethhis wife as g his owne body , verJe33. thewoman main loveth, h feareth, and l obeyeth her husband. This focietieen- i Ram. 712. dureth i until' death, and cannot be dif- kMat.5,32. folved except k foradulterie, for which trefpafle. if the .magiicrate inflict not 1 Lev. zo,IO death, according 1 to Gods law ; the in- m Num. 5, juries perfonmay mlawfullydivorce& 31. mat. 19, putaway the offender. 7,8,9. 4. Thenext in the family, are chil- i' Pfal. 127,3 dren ; which as they are the n inherir.ance o Epa. 6,4. and wages of the Lord , fo mufr they be .K-47823)4, o brought up and nourtured in his feare; 16,21 for they are p his , and q holy from the 91cor.7,14. womb. And bccaufe foolifhnes r is r Pra.22,15. bound in the harts of children , there- f chap. 23,13, fore; theparents are to governf and cor- 14s red