Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

306 CHAP. XIX. b 2K`ns.4,1 g creditors. Tildewere to be wel intrca- bLev.25,4; ted like brethren , h not overruled with Exe. ar, Z, crueltie,they were to bed: fmitted i in the feuenth , or at furthe{l in-the f frithyeare kLev. z5, 4o k called the Iubilee. And when they 41'54' Y went out , they were to be z liberally re- 11,413.15, r; warded with their maiílers goods. Of the latter tort were the heathens , either Lev. z5, m bought with price., or conquered by 44,45- battle;which remayned fcrvants-alwaies, themfelues & their C_:edeafter them.Ser- vitude, efpecially bondage, is a judgemét ofGod upon the world for tìnne; in- A Gen. 9, 2S, fliaed upon Charns n pofteritie as a 2.6. curie; yet is thecurie by C hi ft taken a- way, in whom the bond and the free are o Gai.3,ZS. o one. And this was the cafe of many firangers in Ifrael , as of the Gibeonites the offpringof Canaä, upon whom their IQp,,9,23, fathers p curfe for outward ilavere was inflic` ed,which they cheerfully qunder- gve'rI25,27 went, and had Gods favour and blefling upon their foules ; hey f`rving him, and lie continewing them , ( though . Saul r zsam. 2s, fought to root them out, ) and. r puni- 1, 2) j, &C. Thingall Ifael for their injurie. The like was aid© to be feene in others of that progenie,