Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. X I X. 3 07 progenie, whom Solomon fubdued un- fiKirl9,21 der f fervile tribute,and whole children retnaynedamong the Ifraelites after the captivitie of Babylon , (as did alto the Ivethinims of Gibcon,) and were named t thefanne-s ofS4omons fervants.When filch t Nehem . r rA bondmerì are brought to the faith of the ;'Cj 7'60, Cofpel, their civili fervitude is not ther- byat an end , no not though they haue v beleevingmaiflers ; but they are hill to vrTim.6,z. giue honour, and do fervice,euen h Lar- xco!oÇ:3,zz, Lily as to the Lord and not to men ; for 2;. they h rue y theLord Chriflin that eflate, Y ver(e24. & are his %freemen therefore they íhould ZICor.7'22 not a care for this yoke , yet if theymay a verfe 21. be free, they (i-could tile it rather. The rna iters , are b to do unto their fervants b that which is jrifl and ecivall, knowing that they allohaue a maifter in heauen : they may cchaflen them but not oppreiTe c Gen. z6,6 them nor contemne their judgement, d when they contend with their. Thus d lob 3r,n. fervants notwithflandiilg their freedom in the faith, are to be in 1ubjedion, and e Cen.16,9.. e humble themfelues under the hand of fLnke 17,7, their governours;they are to obey in f la- 8, &c. bout & GeFi 24? attendance, its fervice gat home V z or