Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

4 hGcri.x4,a4 a. x. k Ió& ;,19: 1 deQr2i. i i7, S cor. a6,19. m Iofh. z4, 15.gen.35,z n Ntiin.7,r8 20, zz.&c. o E:tio.19,6. C:a. 10, 22. p r;,,;o. I, 2. hike 2, I. N-14H1.7 ,2. r Cì. J7. Ací. T3,2.0. t ,verre 2. , V Aa. 25,II Y_. í talm.2', 308 CHAP. XIX. or abroad, in peace h or in war; & both maifter fervant arc to keepe commu- niö together in their holy faith, (where- in is i no refpc1 of perlôns ; ) without oppreflion, frawd , ixitirmuring, or de- bate; till they end their dayes in peace,& corne to the place appointed for all the l ing ; where finale and great do lodge together, and k the fervant free from his inaií er. 6.This ill much of families,which being wel ordered , and conioyned in the faith of Chrifl, are as Title; churches , fo called by I the ApoiUle;and ought to haue care, whatfbever be done in others, that m Gods true worfhip be continewed in them. The fecond iòrt of humane focie- tie, is in Policies or Commune weals ; which may be dívert'y cone htuted, leifer or greater,aud under thndry forts of go- vernment. As many families compaft. together in one ntribe;many tribes in one o nation or kingdome;many kingdomcs in P oncEmpire;& thefe menaged by one or by many ; by <i Princes , r Senatocurs, f Fudges, t kings otv Kxfars, as God í'uall difpoie , and the pub. ck dates fee beft. For