Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XIX. 309 For % all powers are of God, whatfoever be their names,tilles, dignities, or formes of regiment, and when or howfoevcr they be altered at thedïfcretion of man , ( in refped whereof they are called Y b3- mane 9 creations, or ordinwncecs , (they are tobe iLib-mirteaunto for the Lords fake. And this though they be urbeleevers; howHutch more if they alto beleeue, haue brought their glorie to the Church ofChrt.fl, andhaue their a portion in the holy land. 7. Thefe magiftrates if they be freely Chofen of the church, rnuf.1 be oftheir b brcthien, c men ofwifêdo & good confcience, who mufi judge all cauít:s a- right, and govern the pe4le in jufl:ce , 4 and in .the fareofGod: whom the Co- mions are to honour, fubrnit unto, & re- verence, e in deede, word, and g frure , as to the Lord; fo r f the word of God is committed unto them , and they there- fore are called g Gods. This iubje on is due unto all , whither h unto the King as to the rupperior , or unto the 'cover- fors, as they that are feat ofhim.. It muiß be bothopenly and l ,fecredy , even of 3 . conic cnccp xTorn.s3, r. y z Pet .2,a; z cr. creltorts r, 1 48 bD Ct4 . 17,15 c ciht,13,1i d z S4m.2;, ePfá'.7z9. ) 2,1 ,,T0,01. I.0,7.jr1de v,rfe S. ¢ tor,rl.Io,;f. g Pf.4r s z,6 chod. 2 s .6. h I'Pet, w, ï3 14. iEcc?.IO12Q.