Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

3I® CHAP. XIX. k confcience, and not for fear of wrath kRom.r;,S onely. Thecommunionofthe faith, is not a caufe , why eyther princes fhould forfake their place, titles, or dignities; or thepeople fhake offtheir fubjedion. liver e r, r,; For feeing Magiflracie is í1ìl1 Gods l or- dinance ; noneare meeter to execute it , to haue his word and fword committed to them, to cariehis titles , and to judge zChvo. a, in hiscongregation , then his owne íer- io_-r a.nctsri. vants m furnifhed with his fpirit. And I,17 feeìng it is frill his n miniíi_erie for the n Rom.13,4 goodof his people, the punì hment of 6. malefactors, & praife ofweldoets; none canbetter performe this dutie., and be e Ifa. 49, o noutfing fathers &mothers of Chrifls 23. church then Chriftians. Kings are not to pRcv.zr, z4 cail away , but P bring their glorie and i a.6o. 5' 6 honour to Ieruialem, ( as the gentiles do 9 their q riches, ) and themfelues to r tnini- ry rje Yo. fier thereunto. fE,e.4S,Y' 8. In which tniniftration, they both f rnainteyn & conferue the true religion of Godaccording to his word, and re- forme things amide, in themfelues and t Chap r1' their fubjec s,(as is t before touched:) ,5 f a 10' alto mainteyn civili peace, by executing rncrcie