CHAP. XIX. 3tx mercie and judgment , x juftifying and pJQI6IOT,I delivering the poore & needy, & y beat- x,3, ing down the oppreifor. Such magifiatcs 4 z are eyes to the blind, feete to the lame, z lob zg i fathers to the poore ; whofe caufe when /5,17. ' S they know not, they feekeout diligent- ly; breaking the jawes of the unrighte- ous man, and plucking the prey out of his teeth. And as their íword preferveth peace at home, fo a it refifteth injuries a Ittdg. Ia, from abroad; that they are not oncl or- 2 1,-4, 29' mac' y y naments of commune weals, but their 2,5, s.e.c. fiery and ftrength.under God ; and may well be called , (as the Prophets name them,) the b Shields of the world. For b F_fI'47,9 which cauce , all Chriffans as they may Fßó f4I s (by c Pauls example) be partakers of the c F161.22,25 benefit of their laves politick;fodo they 28.& 25,I0 owe dhomage,fervice,& fubjedion unto I I. d Rom. them, fhould allow them maintenance , 6. pay them tributes, and other like duties; in recompence of their cares , labours, and employments : that fo niutuall peace andconcord in the communion of the Sainas, may all manner wages be con- ferved. 9. There remayneth yet an ether V 4 fort