Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

e I Thef. y2: 13, 5, flCor.9,(z gneta.IZ,Ig hcha.a4,27 i ch.ip. kcñ 1 'Coy.°ÿ,I4 nt 214/.2,4 3 i z .0 14A P. X I X. fort of civil' duties among theSaines , general! unto all , maried or unmaricd, bbdor free, magiftrate or which are, loue, mercy, relief, kindenes, cour- te'ee , and many other the like fociable allions, at all times ro be performed , of all perlons as there is .occahon , andac- cording to t her.power and place. For Chriltiaris dra ro haue careof thole e that labour among them,are over them in the Lozd, & addnoniíh them; that they haue them in u regular loue for their works fake , and let them f reape their carnal! things which law unto'them f irituall. For God which willed Ifrael to beware g that th.y forfooke not the Levil:., as long as they lived upon the earth , h be- caufe he had neyther part nor inheritáce with them, but was buried, in i teaching them the law, and other minifleriall a&i- ons, k for which the Lord himfelfe would be lus inheritance : hath altoor- deyned, 'that they which preach theGof- pel, rhouid line of the Golpel. And fe- ing for the fervicc.of Chrifl in that war- fare; m1 they inrangle nor themfelues with the afrryres oflife , becaufe they would pleafe