Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

314 CHAT'. XIX. 2 Cf.,ao, good works, which are to be done unto all men a efpecially to them which arc ofthe hourho1doffaith.For thefe works bHof 6,6. 4,18. ofmercy,are better b then facrifices;they are odours that finel fwest, afacrifice ac_ cep tableand pleafznt to God, who can c zCot.9,8, make c all grace to abound towards us 9 9 . That we alwaies having all ihfhciencie in all things , mayabound in every good work to an ev.erlafling mernorieofour ver.13, a4 juflïce, the d prayers of the Sains for 15,26. us, with prayie and thanks unto God for his unfpeakeable gifts. There humane duties , are fo united unto true religion, as God ofold commanded them onhis eD eu. a 6, r a Sabbathes & folemn e feafis; Chrifl hash 14. sachem. 8 ordeyned fDeacons in his Church, and Io. other Helpers for this miniflraton ; be- fAí.6,a,z, crorn z z fides the benerall careof all the faithfull; S. 6 i6, a. and on every g firft day of the weeke, I rim. 3, r z. (which were dayes of the Churches h af- gji Cá íemblies,) fuck care & provifion for the 1, z. poore was made, yeawhen occafion fo h AFB. 20,7. required, the Chriflians i fold their pof- iOh.2 0.19. fefiions and goods , and parted them to k AFi.4,34, all men, as every one had neede; which 35.237. work the k Apoftles thetnfelues a while looked