CHAP XIX. 315 looked unto. Good thereforeandcom- fortable is it for all the Sainas that haue this worlds good, to do good and to di- flribute , 1 klecaufe with filch facrifices 1 Heb, i;, Ili God is well pleated ; that theybe rich in good works; and redy to communicate; that with the godly Tyrians, nz their oc- cupying and their gain may be holy unto the Lord ; whiles theyhoord it not up, nor keepe it in flore , but let it be for them than dwell before the Lord, for foode & clothing: by this meanes n lay- ing up in flore for themfelues , agood foundation againft the time to comet,that they may obteyn eternal' life. i o. Concerning other Chriflian of- fices, fpeciall regard niuft be had in all our actions of reverence and loue ; for towards fup.eriours, and the aged , men niufl [hew all honour , in giving them their o titles of dignitie,when they (peak or write unto them, P rifingup, & bow ingdown before them for honour fake; they may not q rebuke, but exhort them as fathers, they are to give them r the up- per places,and iuf 'er them f hrft to (peak in catifes ; and they agate e are kindly to intreat mufa. 23,i8 n r Tim. 6, 12,19. o Luke i, 3. ad. 26, 25. 2Iohn t. pLrv.19,3z xkirtg.. i,16. 23. rutti. Io. I fay>3.I,I4, If. r Luke 144 8,9,10. fIob32,,4,6 7.