CHAP. XIX. 317 I 1; In tins manes men capying thetn7- (clues , towards God whom they lerue with reverenceandwith fear,& adore in fpirit & trueth;alfo to their neighbours, withwhom they arecoupled in peace d amiti : the o bleflings of the Lord,as the oE e.;4,2,6 rayn & i'nowrs from heauen,arepowred upon them; phis owne tabernacle & gra- p Levit.26, cious pretence, and the q joyfull fhowt rI= = ofa king is among them; & he wil r rifle the place ofhis feet. Againitall for- reyn enemies he will defend, them , ma fp fda, 147 king f the bansof their gates ffrong; fal- 13. vationwill he t fet for walles and bul- t ifa 261r. walks; euenhimfelfe will be a. wail of v zecba, S. fyre round about them ; that they- flail dwel X in the tabernacle ofpeace in fire Y ¡f4 32)1$. dwellings, and in fife ratingplaces: He will cloth them Y with garments offatva-Y che. 6z, i$ tion, will cover themwith the robe of righteoufncs ; and adorne themwith his gi aces , as a bride garniheth her felfe with her jewels. Here will he make un- to all people, Z a feaít offat things & full z chp.a5,6. ofnarow, a feaff of wines fined and pu- rified ; feeding them a with the fat of,a 171. 4°8x,z wheat, and filling themwithhoney out of IMENNIIMMINNOMit