znMeb.Z,Y4. e°cv. zz,,io aPft.z6,zx e 2.Pet.2,4. az CHAP. II. wet is he allo raungingabroad, and very diligent to worke miichief; and there- fore i colnpaireth the earth to and fro , and walketh aboute in it; feeking to k winnowe the godly as wheate,&make theire faith to faile. And as there is no endeof thefe fiends wickednes in them- felues , and their owne abominable na- ture: fo neyther would there be endeor meafure of their curled actions and c - feCts; were it not , that God reflreyneth their malice , and hath fet up the king- dome ofhis holy fonne lefus, to 1 loofe theworkes of the Divel; to, deftroy and maboli(h 1111m 3. And as thefe foule fpirits, being fallen from grace, thus fet themfelues a- gainft God&all goodnes;foGod againe ca(} them out of his favour and fromhis prefence, (wherein is the 'fulnes of joy) from the chearfull light,libertie & hap pines which they injoyed,& thruft them downe o into hell , there keeping them in euerlafling chaines , under darkener, unto damnation in that day , when he will come to judge the worlde. And al- though they haue in the rneane ípacc fonie