T b C HA P. X X. biß 62,3. of the rock.. Sion (hall be b a crown of glorie in the hand of the Lord, & aroy- all diaderne in the hand ofher God; and cverje f. as a c bridegrome is glad of the bride, fo will he rejoyce over her; and (he againe (hall joy in him , and prayfe his name, 14$,z4 becaufe d he bath exalted the horn ofhis people, which is a prayfe for all his Saines, euen for the fops of Ifrael , a people near unto him. Pray for the peace of i erufalem: let them profiler that loue thee. Pfal. r 1 z. 6. CHAP TER XX. . How the Communion &peace of theSainc`ts ishindred by eniYnies Without. L T H o u G H the Church bath re- ceived fuck grace andglorie, from a Pf . g4,z1 the Lord Godher a Sun and íheìld, that b 8 (hc (hay well be an b ailonifhnient to the 5p f a.4 '4' kings of the earth, and wonder of the world ; as having c the Sun for her clo- c Rev.12'z. thing, the moone for her footftoole, and the