CHAP. XX.Ia the twelue ftartes fora crown upon her head, whiles by faith& holines the hath dRonrc.i ;,Y4 d put onChrift,the e Sun ofrighteoufnes 2I4.4,z. that is rifenunto her, as fhe hath learned him ofhis f Apoftles ; and is hereby ad- f'Pet.3," vanced toheavenly dignity,that euen her g conveifation 3s in heauen, fo as the lo- r,La .3z® veth no more h this world, of which the Iioh.2,Is her felfe is not, & the k fafhion where- i Ioh. 17,14 of pafkth away : yet forafm ch as fhek ICer.7, 51 hashboth in her owne body, I paires of 1 childbirth ; uhiles the is in travail to bring forth Chrift, whichby the preach- ing ofthe Gafpel is nl formed in her ; & mGat.4,i9 without herielfe, Satan (for his fiercenes a Rev.zo,z a n dragon) o perfecuting her in wrath,& o eha. 12,13 warring with the remnât ofher feed, ga-17 thering his foldjers whichareas the fand p of the tea, to con-Tale about the tents of theSa n6ts, the beloved citie ; it flail be therefore good , that we take a view of thefe troubles and aflauits , learn ofGod the end and ufe of them, & howwe may either efcape or overcome thcm,leatwe be offended, and our faith fayl. 2. That old crooked ferpent, the e- nemy ofmss falvation, perceiving the uniting