Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

C HAP. X- X. 3_.1 of their fword, (wherewith they fhould conferue the trueth& peace ofChrifliau religion,) againfl the Sainds, and efpe- -daily their communion and all'e3nblies which feeme moft dangerous, and are Y Song'6 . indeed terrible to the wotld,as yan armie w lib banners. . Hereupon they thinke to zworke z Exod.r,ro wifely , if any way they can hinder the propagation and increafe of the church whither by privie oppreflion, or open perfecutió; though the wifdornc ofGod hash fayd, a Sure.'! it is notgood to condemn a Pro. 17,16 thejust ; nor tat rindes J ¡hould rite Dr p fir E od r,x6 eqn tie. Especially the h z men children , the teachers, guides , and principali of Chairs flock, are moll tnaligned,and ex- pofed to their tyrannie ; though {blue-. time neither women nor infants , can be exempted from their rage and crueltic. For which,thefecivili polities , with the heads and oovernours of them , unto whó erewhiie it was fayd, c Té are 'Çods, c P,'ral.8z,6< andye all are childrenof the rnófl high , arc d z rph. 3, ?, now become more bafe then any men ; t'rov. z8, rS and are called in holy fcriptnre, d Lions, a àrl :'0a5,'ó Wolues, Reaves, Libbards, Wuid- ore;Á31d (1412 i,,; r,3z X tvxes