3L2, CHAP. Xx. eDin. 1,7, faxes : euen pourtrahed out by e mon- L prv.13,i, tirons, favage, and deformed bea(ls ; for fuch their barbarous havock, &mif- ufagc ofthe Sainds. 4. For loe , in their malignant hearts fNum.zz,3 they fret againft the people ofGod,and gDan II,;o againft g the holy covenant ; with their hew* 6 mouthes they fpeake cvill , euen h mar- shap.7 ,s. veilous andprelumptuous things,} blaf- Rev.13,6. pheming Gods name and tabernacle,and them that dwell in heaven; with their hands andhornes they finite & pufh the kHeb.to44 poore flockof shrift , ti 1poyliug them rear. I,9. er. of their goods , banilhing them out of 184'71. their dominions cafting them intopri- $, 3, Cons anddungeons, feeding themwith bread ofadverfitie and water ofafrliiti- on ; deviling all cruell and exquifite tor- ments , to make their death Iniferable, lNeb.11,; s, I racking, Honing , hanging , hewing in 36, 37. dan. Feces, burning in fire , calling to wilde 3,19,20. and beafis, and many moe horrible tortures; 6'16' as the Lambs of Chrill: haue felt in all ages ; whiles children haue been brought ñ- oct.I,Z2 in from thewomb to their niartyrdome; 'rat' 2'I6' and n women with child, ript up in their z to . 8, 12, unnatural! çrueltie. S By