Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XX. 323 By this meanes , the communion of the Sainds is oft times difibived and ® feattred ; their fhepheards and watch- men P apprehended & killed; the whole flock purfued , as c fheepe appointed to the (laughter. Some for Bare denyeand forfake the faith, and are=compelled to blafpheme. Some by flatterie arefcau- fed to finne , and wickedly breake the holycove.nant,and to'be the betrayers of their brethren. Suchas efcape thefe evils, fometime t wander up & down in (beeps skins and goatskins, deflitute, affliCtecil , and tormented , in defarts and mouu- tames, in dennes, and canes of the earth. Thus,rvaters ofa full cup are wrung out unto them; and now the v waits ofSion lament, becaufe no mancornmeth to the folemne feafts ; for x the dayly facrifice (whereby they were wonte publickly to worfhip God, ) is takenaway, andabo- minable defolation put in the place.The Y and fynagogues of God are bu!rcd; 7 ierufalem broken up , made a mir:ous heap , the floues thereof layd in dtft, and the dead bodies of the Sainas, call to the foules & beaftes of the earth. X Then o AtI.8,I. p AF}. I 2D xa a. &c. gRvm. 8,36. r Aft. 26, II i Dan. z ii30 3z t Heb. 11,37 38. y Lam. 1,4. x Dan, I I,; I Y P141.74,1 8. },z Ier.yz,7. pfat.79> x 3 29 3.