Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

ir 31-4 CHAP. XX. Then the faithfull mourn , becaufe God aLam. z, 6, bath adeftroyed his congregation,caufed 7. the fabbaths to be forgotten , forfaken his fans uarie , & giuen into the enemies hand the walls ofher palaces , their eyes b fuerje xi. b fayl with teares,their bowels fwel,theit liver is powred upon theearth; and they cArgos 7,14 cry out with the Prophet, c GLord god, Barewe befiech thee, who fhill riti f 7ia lob, for be fi le. d tfa 3r,9. 6. Thus God who bath d his Eyre in Sion, and fornace in Ierufaicm, nlelteth e Mat.3,3. his metall , e trieth and iineth li s people as flyer, and purifieth them as gold , by fI(ri.4,4 the ffpiritol judgement and the fpirirof burning:drawcth them to repeneance,b'y g.Larn.s,;9 chaflening ñ them for their. iinn s , and b'Pet. making judgement h to begin at his own 4' hone; confirming the droll , &making known there that are approved ; that the í Pct. 3,7 triall oftheir faith, being muchmore precious then gold , that peritheth, (though it be tried with fire,) may be found unto prayfe and honour and lo- re at the appearing of Iefus Chri(. For notwithîh ndinÿall the rage of theper- _ fectators , God will preferue to ltimfelf a little -_,