Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XX. 3Lf k a lisleflock , unto whom hewill be i a litle San&uarie, inall plaes where they are difperfed: who in this their defolati- on yet pray with.their faces m towards Ier:ufalem; doe convene and meete toge- ther nfecretly for .feareof their foes, and ceafe not to performeall holy duties un- to-God and one to an other , to the tit- moil of their power ; and in all their af- fiiáions are Q more .then con.querours through him that `loved t.heiíi. For they p.account the fuffrings of this prefent tithe not worthyof the glory which that be fhewed unto them ; they q confider ,:E hriít their head , who for the joy that `was.iìrr before him , endured the crotre, and defpifed the Thorne and is fer at the right handof the throne ofGod ; who whenhewas both in name andpower a ,ion appeared t as aLamb killed ;: yet .behold'fhe is aline for evermore, Amen; and hath the keyes ofhel and of death. And he it is, that raifeth up his children from death; he will prophetic, and their difperfed bones t Shall come together i- t Ex;.e47,7, newes and flesh [hall grow upon them , 8,&c. breath Iall enter into them, and they stand k Rom.9,z1 29. iEz.2.II 16 m /King. 8, 47,48 dan. 6,1Q. n at7. 4: I8, i9 o Rom.8,3/ p verfè 18. g Heb, i t,Z, 3. r RN . ;,56 í ReT.