il! 32.6 CHAP. XX. ftandupon their feete an exceedinggreat army. For in their tribulatiós, they hauc Reu.7,14 but washed their garments vwhite in his blood ; and this is all the fruit, x the ta- t Ifs. 27'9' kingaway of their finne; and the more the adverfaries vex them , thinking to y Ego. x, ;z. roote them out , y themore they multi- plyand grow: by patient fuffering: they triumph;andby dying dayly,they attayn to life eternall. And. God who hath challened thé with rods for their good , will turn his handupon their enemies, and fcourge themwith fcorpions ; they PJal./s,8. [hall wringout and drink the dreggs of this cup of wrath ; he that made them 2 Ifs 2.7, it. a will not haue compaflîonof them, and he that formed the will haue no mercie bpan.7,ii. on thern;the beads (hall be deftroyed b& giuen to the burning fyre , and the riglk- cpf4,49,=4 teous [hall c haue dominionover them in the morning. The zeleof theLord of has will performe ir. The Lord preferveth thefaits of his Sainas , he will deliver themfrom thehad of thewicked. Pfal»m. 97. 10. C APo