32.7 CHAPTER XXI. How the peace and Comunio.) of the Church, is disturbed by troubles , &This Within itfelfc. BVT it isa (mall thing for Satan thus to molefl the Sainds with troubles fromabroad,for he hathmeanes and in- flruments many in the church it felfe, to work the woe,yea often the ruine of the fame; and he moft delighteth to kindle contentions among brethren , know- ing that fuch things are molt offenfïue unto God, heavie to his people, and giue to the enemie occafion of rcproch. The means are two, that he chiefly ufcth hereunto; t the infirmities of the Saiuds, who though they would do good , yet through (inne that dwclleth in them, oft times`doe the evill which they hate; 2.. & the iniquities of falfe brethren and hy- pociites , who alwayes are corrupted in themfelues, and fceke to bringcorrupti- on into the whole body of thechurch. z. For when the faithfull through commune fraylty , defylc their precious X 4 i®ulcs