Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

3 z8 CHAP. XxI foules & bodies,through the remaynders offiniboth theenemies without take oc- a 2Sain.1z; capon to a blafpheme; and the brethren 14. within to Rumble and contend:asMofes was murmered again by bis owne lifter b Nuirn.rz,i and brother, b becaufe he had rnaried an 'Ethiopian wife. And God himfdfe is often angrywith the whole church , and punifbeth many, for the fault ofa few;as c z Ckro. 2r, when David c finned in numbring the 1,2. people; God in dirplafure plagued Iira- d verfe 7,14 è1, d that 'of the' there died feuentie thou- fandmen. Again , thehome-bredwarrs and defl'entions, are heavier to the bre-_ threns harts , them all forreyn troubles, and many weak ones are offended , no leile thenwas Rebekah, who feeling the, children to flriue in her bodie, made eGets. 25, 7.2 queflidnof her conception, & fayd, e If it be.f©,why am thus? B1.1t aboue all, the Hypocrites in hart , doe increafe wrath , &oft- timts moleft the church ofwhich k z rob.2,T9 they rare not,though they be in the fame, g z K ( like the g Apes andpeacocks in Salo- ;2k coons thips, ) being in deede the ferpents feede , and apperteyning to an other Jingt-lomé their Chriíls , yet are thrufl a- rnoug