CHAP. XXI. 329. mong the Sain&s throughSatans malice. for to annoy them ; God altopermitting this for the triall of his ele&. By thele meanes, the l tlebark of Chrills church, path ever becne toiled as withwinds and rempeíts; and is like ever to be, io long as it is one thePeas ofthis world : that nonemay looke for Angelical) perfe&ì- -on, or abfolute peace upon the earth. 3. The 5ainóts are ft,hje&, (if they ,1 be not wary , and haue their wits exerci- f d to difcernegood and evil), ) to h be h Heb.i3,9 carved about with divers and ftrangé doârines; to fall into errors, herefies, & idolatries ; Satan rayfeth up even among the teachers of thechurch, ifowe (peak -' ingperverle things to' draw difeiples of ter them, and the people many of them arc through their owne corruptio profile unto vice, euen fet kon rnifchief. The kEx®. 3 z) 2 children of Ifrael living in ,Egypt , deñi- led then.felt,es with i the 'abominations IE4'e'zo,7,4 and idols of that land -3' bring brought out into the wildernes, and informed in the fiatutes ofthe Lord , they m there i4- m ve"Je r®, belled a ainPt him, finned frill, & n ,-a_ I2> 13 g prd- yoked the molt High, temptedGod 3 & 4o,4'. X 5 )unite