3 CHAP. XXI. limited the holy one of Ifrael, made tx,),3z. them amolten calf,and o and fayd this is ahem. 9,is thyGod ó it ael,that brought theeout of the landofÆgypr, and committed great blafphemies. When they were en tred in- to the good land promifed to their fa- ?j6,5 thers , there allo they P mingled them- 36' felves among the hethen,& learned their works, & íerved their idols, which were Ter. 1; ;I;, their ruine. Falfe prophets there w ere 14,I7. .many among them, that q (educed the people to errourand idolatrie , flrength- .ned their hands in evill, preached peace E"' I 2'1° to the wicked , r andput pillowes under their armes ; but (mote the righteous , grieved andkilled( what in them lay)thc f Pet.z,I,z ibules of fuchas thould not haue died. fFalfe teachers, (the Apoflle fayth) there will be alfo amonga us, which privily (hall bring in damnable heretics, euen denying theLord that hathbought them, Theprimitiue churches had wofull ex- periencehereof, whiles in Galatia they G41.1,6,7, were t Toone remoóved away to an other fir' gofpel, being bewitched by their miflea- r ders , who under pretenceof the law of ell,e, 5,4,Godt J aboiifhed them fromChrifl, and made