mignimmismik 331 CHAP. XXI. made them fall fromgrace. And in many other churches , falfe dcrine fretted as a canker, and deftroyed the faith ofcer- tayn,whiles fore taught x the refurrecli- z z Tim. zr on was pail already; fumewith Iezabel & 17,Is. MT., perfwaded Y to eat of things fa- ySRev. z,14 crificed to idols, & commit fornication, is, zo. with other hatefull do&rine of the Ni- zColo.z,r8, colaitans, idolatrous do&trineof wor 19. íhiping Angels , Chrift the head being let goe; the grace ofGod a turnéd to wan- a I"de v44° tonnes, andGod the oneivLordand our Lord Iefus Chrift , denyed ; Antichrifl, euen'b many Antichrifts entred in, to de- b ii°hz'I ceyueand deflroy mensfoules. 4. By fuch feducers , much trouble & difcordwas wrought among the peo- ple, fume of ignorance, foreofwilful_. c nes receiving &walking in their c errors; by whome the d way oftruetli was evil!. d a Pct.z.a. fpokéof: others oppofingagainft them, and e earneflly contending for the faith e oncegiuen to the Sain&s. Efpecially the Apoflles , and other truflie rniniflers of Chrift, (towhole care the foules of men were committed, ) fet themfelues againft thofe falters, by f the wordofttucth, by fl the