Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

:CHAP. XX I 333 other things alto, còntentiotíliath often rifen through :nens infirmities, q malice, and pride: that by errors in faith,& cor- ruptions in mâiners, as byadouble chain of ir:iclui.rie , many foules haue been fet-, rgri:d6caffli±±ed. For Come movedwith r envie., haue folde their brethren to ali- anti, and lbughr for f to kill them: ibme through ambition would clime abone their calitng and t intrude into higher ofticcsj prefumingupon their own v ho- lynes , and feeking to difgrace others. And as the Church of Ifrael. was infa- mous x all Motes dayes , for their Dews', t tries, rebellions, and many murmurings, 23, 24. and for. IN :,ieh their karkelfes fell in the 'w 29, 4 q x0,1: z;,1®. r dti.7>9 fGcn. 27,41 & 37, 2o c Nttn-r. a6,x 2, 9>9, d vverf3. círrnes; and li ife and y bloodffled carne among them: fo after that they were fea- te4 in the land of Canaan,they continu- ed not long in peace together, but tribe with 7 madewar,& rent them feines afunder, to the greate reproach of Gods true ,. and giving advantage to the commune adveriarie , to invade. and di.ipoifiedie diemof their land. Yea men in families betweene brethren,parents children, barer 'and bloody flrif" brakc y Exod. ;2, ;16,17,28. zIttde 20. 2Sapn. z. 6-;,,r. !kin: x4,30 and . ,7,16,3z , if4 sr, 2I.