`a tudg.9: b 2.34m. 13. c chap. zs, eyc. a! ICor.i,ii T2.b'C. e i Cor. 17, 18,19. fPhilip.l, is 16. g 3 lohm. 9, 1o. Gro. 13, 7 s. iNtcrn.i=,I. kGaI.2,1r, j4- I Ail. 15,38, 39. 334 CHAP. XXI. brake forth, as the ílories ofa Abime. lech, b Amnon Sc Abfaloln, c Abfalor and David , and fundry others doe de- clare.Alfo how they weredivided,when Chrift lived among them , into Seas Sc facaions, Pharifees, Saducees, and other like, the hiflorie of the Gofpel everie where fheweth. Neyther were the Chri- ílian Churches, which theApofIes had planted, free of this leven; but conten- tions among them grewe unto fchifines and faaions , d whiles fundry men fol- lowed and relied upon fundrie teachers: in their publickmeetings aííò, e diífenti- ons were among them. Some minifters would ofilrife and envie fpreachChrift to the people; fome loving the preemi- nence, would tyrannize over the flock, forbidding to receiue brethren fente by the Apoftles,and g thrufting them out of the Church. And amongft Gods eleC, moft faithfull fervants, Se loving friends, Satan didEs utmoft to kindle the coles ofemulation , diífention and ilrife ; as betweene h Abraham and Lot, i Mofes andAaron, kPeter andPaul , 1 Paul and Bainabas; and among the Apofiles ge- nerally,