. z,epb.3,4ï y Ez.t.z;,4 a Rcv.3,17 bticr;e i. c Icr,s,î dMat.z4,37 e ,[,Hj{.20,I4 336 CHAP. XXr. lioufes, teaching things wliîdh they ought nor, for .filthy lucre .take`; the priefts x wref ed the law ; the Prophets were like y foxes in the waft: places,and from themwckednes Z went forth into all the land. Thus judgement was turned intowormwod, faith into herefe, Gods grace into wantannes , the iibertieofhis Gofpel ir.ade a cloakeofmalicioufnes; and in fled of the gracious ornamems of his fpirit, there was a wretchednes, ferie, povertie, blindnes nakednes ; they had a name to be aliure, b but were dead. Nor this alone;for they hated filch as re- buked them,and would not admit of re- proof,but c made their faces harder then a done; they killed the prophets d and dotted thofe that were fent unto them ; eueti when Clirifl himfcifc came among them , they would nor receiue him, but fayd , this is the heire, e come let us kill him,and the inheritance fball be ours. 7. Thcfe and many moe like evils 7iaue.crepr into the Churches ofGod , whereby they haue beene troubled , dii- rra'ed, and rent in peeces; muchpeople haue beendefiled and corrupted,and the Saitids