Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XXI, 337 Saines haue had caufe to complayn Momhaft mtdltiplied the nation,btuthafßnot f Ifl.9,3. increafd theirjoy. Againflthefe, the mi- nifiers and witneífes of the Lordhaue cryed out in their feverall ages ; being lent, & riling early to recall. the fynners into the right way. Whowere threatned, that g Sion for their fakes fhould beg Micá,3,iy plowedas a field , and Ierufàlemmade a ruinous heap , h andher habitation left f,mat,zmg unto her de olate ; that Chrift would à warte againfi themwith the (wordof ; Re, 2,16 his n. outh,and k remoue the candleffick k y , out of the place, except they amended. And filch as hearkned to the voice of their God , and turnedunto him ; had their iniquities forgiucn, and their crim- fin finnes 1 made white as fnow: but filch as obeyed not; were m devoured of the fword; and n woe wasunto their foules, for they rewarded evil; unto themfelues; and were called o reprobate fileer , be- caufe the Lord rejedcd them. 8. Thus ccmeth it to paf1e, through Satans malice, and hens corruption,that the citie of God ofwhich' ICI glorious things are token in the fcriptures;fceir._ eth ,