Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

Song. i . 4 . groerje g. r Pf I.48,5,. 6. fLam.2,i5. t Ifa 4.I5. ExJe.9,4. x I,am. i, 6. } Song5,7 Ifa.i,f,6. a verre 2 i. b Ier.3,8. e Hof.z,a. 338 CHAP. XXI. e«h morevile & contemptible then tiny other place ; the fpoufe of Chrifl ap- peareth r black , which was named the q fairefl amongwomein ; her foes which r feared and marveyled at her, doe Mile and fay, fps this the citie themen cell, he perfthen ofbetvrie, the joye of the whole earth ? her children , to whom t mttch peace was.promifed ; do(t V mourne'and crye, for the many abhÓminations , that are done in the middes ofher ; and from the daughter Sion, x all her bewtie is &- being thus perfecuted by the Dragon, hated and reproached ofO. world , molef cd and for aken of her ovine children , mifured and y wounded ofher watchmen , to :he gtiefe andatíi- aion ofher fpirit. 9. And if there were not a healing of this errour in time, but the gangrene t f Fred to fprcadand fret ; it grew at length incurable, brought death and defolation upon the difeafed Churches. For God after many warnings, and Z much corre- ¿ ion,did at-length difclaym the faithfull citie, as a a harlot, giue herb a bill ofdi- vWrfc, and put her away ; fhe was no more 11411117"..."