,CHAP XXI. 9- morehis wife,nor he her husband; d his dEz,e.2,3,zS heart forfooke her, he left his heritage, a zer Iz,rl, hegane the e deaily beloved ofhis foule, into the hands ofher enemies ; anti fre- fEz,ek. q, ;, moved his gloi ie fromamids her. Then 6,916°',V82; , b Ierufalem became, with all the inhabi- gsera; 14 tams thereofg as Sodom was Gomorrah : Ezek. zz, the h bode of Ifrael reputed as 18. dtotfe, the congregationof the i Sain6}s i Rom. r,/. turned to an k habitation ofdivils. And k Rev. 28',z the Lords people that feared his name , were willed 1 to forfake andcomeout I verfe 4. from among their , to judge them m as m Ezck. s3> harlots to n pleacie againit them , and ;1,5H.o f2, 2. forfake all communion with them, o chap. 4,r5 Whereupon followed again moll bitter o.mir. aide , hatred and perfecution , whiles -,z°1fr. `, they that refreyned from evill , P made 54;8. ad. s, themfelues a prey , and failed all man- p ria 59, 15. ner of mifuíage and aft iaiun at their hands, which made q thernfelucs drunks with the blood ofthe Sainas , and yct 9 Rev. = >6 boafled to be the Church and ípoufe of Chrift, when they were the r fynagogue r Rev, ;,9 ofSatan. io. This is the trouhlous eflate of the church of God onearth,more toilf'd Y Z and