Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

340 CH,AP. XXI. and tormented then any other people;of whichchurch, (by reafon of the many znii.-2'2o hypocrites, & vealsoff dialonour that aie therein,) though the number wercas t Rom 9,27 the land of the tea , t vet but a remnant- frail be Paved ; and except the, Lord of aveije yq, has y had left us a feede, we had been Made as Sodom s and had been lake to Go1rlorrah. For which caufe, it behoo- veth the Sainas, to f ek theLord while he may be found , and medicine , while the difeafe is curable ; For Chrift hath ordeyncd wayes and meanes for the purgeingof his church fr6 corruptions; or at leafl , for his eleC to kec pe them- íclues pure and unhpotted of thefe fines; of which it reniayneth to befpóken in the next place. C HA.' TER XXII. How the Communion_ ofSainc`Is; may be purged of the evils thi. z:, aril therein., by thepower and ce f rc's o fChrifl: andhow needfrll it is far the Spai iCts all, to look.ç hereunto. `° H E Lord ILfus , who is theauthor of trace& f ivati6 tinto his l' cole, is alto