C HAP. XXII. 34' is allo the finifher -of the fame, and per- former ofhis good work towards thé ; and as he a fweetncd with a tree, the bit- a Exo.15,2% ter waters of Marah,where alto he made 26. Ifrael anordinance, promifìng, that if they would hearken to his voyce, he would free them from all the difeafes of tEgypt: fo hathhe fèt and fhewed us in thegardein ofhis church, b the tree of b Rev.z2. z life, whole fruit is for meate , and kanes ez,e.47' j 2' for medicine, to heale the nations with; that there is.no difeafe incurable to his obedient people, but in all their trou- bles, tentations, offences, feares, ando- ther foule-ficknefTes when they crye unto him, he c fendeth his word and hea- cPf.. ro9, s 0. loth them, & delivererh them from their sues ofcorruption. Mofl wholfomo lawes are left unto all churches, to te- drefii the evils that arife within them ; which being wifely handled & applied, by thofe whole tongues are alfö d trees e3 Pro. ry, 2, oflife; are more efied uail then the balm 4 e of Gilead, to recover the healthof the e Ier.?, 22. daughter Sion,though Babels fore f can- f 6'1 5 ". 8,9 not becured. z. And firfl, the Saines , as they are 3 mof